The Interactive Denmark is growing. The businesses developing interactive content are front-runners in the digital and technological evolution, and Danish content producers are well represented in both the content, technological, and business aspects of this evolution.

Interactive Denmark presents the report The Interactive Denmark in Figures 2015. The Interactive Denmark is a joint description for game developers and other independant producers of interactive content, specialising in both games, apps, eHealth, eLearning and other interactive products. The report is based on the annual report from the Danish Producers Organization, “Danske Indholdsproducenter: Film, TV og Computerspil i Tal” (Danish content producers: Film, TV and computer games in figures), that has been published since 2009. However The Interactive Denmark in Figures focuses solely on games and other interactive products.


The most dramatic change this year is in the number of employees in the industry. The games industry alone now employs the equivalent of 770 full-time employees – an increase of 46% over the last 7 years. The interactive businesses are also growing, and have increased their employment by 20% over the last two years.

Turnover is still growing faster than the national average, but the lack of big releases has reduced the growth to 4% for the games industry, with a total turnover in 2015 of 1,16Bn kr. The interactive sector as a whole is performing a bit stronger, with a growth of 15,3% and a total turnover of 1,9Bn kr.

Given the very rapid growth that the Danish games industry has experienced the last couple of years, it is our interpretation that the latest numbers show an industry consolidating and hiring new employees before the next push for further growth.

The Interactive Denmark is a joint description for games- and other developers of interactive products, whose primart business income stems from copyright protected works and technology driven services. To measure the effects on the business, Interactive Denmark has since 2013 been collecting data on the Danish interactive producers, while the data on the games category comes from the Danish Producers Association’s annual analysis Danske Indholdsproducenter: Film, TV og Computerspil i Tal”, published since 2009.

Download the full reports below.

Det Interaktive Danmark i Tal – 2015

The Interactive Denmark in Figures ENG_rev_1_0